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Frizzy Hair Treatment & Solutions: Fix The Frizz

Weather in the Philippines can be very finicky resulting in unruly, frizzy hair. One day your hair is smooth and gorgeous, and the next, its rough and crinkly. Whats the right frizzy hair treatment for a harried, hurried girl?

Believe it or not, moisture plays a big role in how beautiful or not so beautiful your hair looks. When the weather changes, the moisture level of your hair gets affected. If you have damaged hair, the result perhaps of poor diet, too much stress, or over-styling, maintaining the proper moisture level is going to be more challenging. This is how you end up with frizzy hair or hair with static.

Hair actually feels dry, crunchy, or frizzy because its holding too much moisture, not too little, explains Pantene Principal Scientist Mike Davis. Of course, nobody wants frizzy hair, and finding the right frizzy and dry hair treatment is a blessing for every young Filipina.

did you know?
Proper Hair Moisture Matters
Proper Hair Moisture Matters
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