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Everything You Need To Know About Split Ends & How To Treat Them

Split ends are the result of the fraying or breaking apart of one hair strand into two or more. This happens to hair that is dry and brittle to the point of breakage. Contrary to popular belief, split ends don’t only happen to people with long hair, nor do they only affect the tips of the hair. As long as the hair shaft is damaged, even at any length, split ends will naturally occur.

Unlike the misconception of many, split ends are caused by the damage that occurs in the midsection of your strands. Each split end has a story because every strand of hair goes through different patterns of washing, dyeing, heat styling and is exposed to different environmental aggressors. There are four most common types of split ends, and the best way to prevent them is by adding in hair care habits to reduce exposure to their triggers.

Different Kinds of Split Ends

split ends hair problem

Basic/Traditional Split

This is the most common type of split end that appears in the early stages of split development. This type indicates that more moisture is needed by the hair and a hair repair mask can be a good solution to reverse the damage.


This is where a hair strand is split into three and it shows more widespread hair damage. A nourishing mask could help to lessen the risk of progressing to more split ends.

The Tree

At this point, not only is the tip affected but also the length of the hair. Don’t worry! You can do a weekly treatment mask to bring back lost nutrients to your strands without needing to cut them off.


This type shows a significant loss of the outer cuticle but without the split. However, this type shows that a split can happen anytime. To bring back moisture to your strands, doing an intensive treatment at home can help rejuvenate and prevent further damage.

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